Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar (2024)

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Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar (1)

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anglais [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 1.3MB, 📕 Livre (fiction), lgli/Shannon Messenger [Messenger, Shannon] - Lodestar: Keeper of the Lost Cities [Book 5] (2016, Aladdin).epub

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar 🔍

Aladdin, Keeper of the Lost Cities, 5, 1, 2016

Messenger, Shannon 🔍


Sophie Foster is back in the Lost Cities—but the Lost Cities have changed. The threat of war hangs heavy over her glittering world, and the Neverseen are wreaking havoc.The lines between friend and enemy have blurred, and Sophie is unsure whom to trust. But when she’s warned that the people she loves most will be the next victims, she knows she has to act.A mysterious symbol could be the key—if only she knew how to translate it. Every new clue seems to lead deeper into her world’s underbelly and the Black Swan aren’t the only ones who have plans. The Neverseen have their own Initiative, and if Sophie doesn’t stop it, they might finally have the ultimate means to control her.

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Shannon Messenger

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Keeper of the Lost Cities #5, 2016

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Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar (2024)


What happened in Lodestar? ›

Sophie Foster is back in the Lost Cities–but the Lost Cities have changed. The threat of war hangs heavy over her glittering world, and the Neverseen are wreaking havoc. The lines between friend and enemy have blurred, and Sophie is unsure whom to trust.

Is there romance in Lodestar? ›

Violence and betrayal are part of this cosmic conflict. There's the occasional flicker of romantic interest between Sophie and a couple of her male friends, and she'll often hold hands with one or the other for moral support when performing some magical task.

Is Keefe in book 5? ›

Book 5: Lodestar

Later Sophie, Tam, and Fitz find one of the hideouts and find Keefe and three others (Brant, Ruy, and Alvar), ready to capture them.

What is the fifth book of Keeper of the Lost Cities? ›

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar is the fifth book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. It was released on November 1st, 2016.

Who betrays Sophie in KoTLC? ›

Since in the last book Keefe betrayed Sophie and went over to the Neverseen, Sophie and the rest of her friends were counting on him to get out the information they needed. You are probably thinking, “Why would they trust Keefe?

What does Fitz look like in KoTLC? ›

Fitz has light teal blue eyes and dark hair. Sophie mentions he looks like a younger Alden. He is also often described to have a "movie star smile." He was counted as a cute and handsome by in the elvin world.

In what book do Sophie and Keefe get married? ›

Fitz often finds Sophie with Keefe throughout the book. Book 9: Sophie is revealed to also have feelings for Keefe after she finds out that he likes her from Ro (Romhilda). Sophie asks Fitz to step back from their relationship and Sophie ends up marrying Keefe Sencen.

Who married Keefe? ›

Sophie Foster as an adult elf, married to the one and only- Keefe Sencen.

Who is Sophie Foster's boyfriend? ›

Keefe Sencen: Sophie's close friend as well as boyfriend (as of book 9, Stellarlune). He is an Empath, allowing him to detect others' feelings.

Is Elwin Sophie's biological father? ›

Beware, this contains MAJOR Legacy spoilers. Ok brace yourself: Elwin is Sophie's biological father.

Who does Fitz marry in KoTLC? ›

I love you Sophie Foster and I always will." Fitz said slipping a ring onto Sophie's finger. "Do you Fitz Vacker take Sophie Foster to be your wife?" The priest asked Fitz. "I do." He smiled blinking the tears away.

Can a 11 year old read Keeper of the Lost Cities? ›

Perfect for readers aged 9+ and fans of Harry Potter, Rick Riordan and Amari and the Night Brothers. Twelve-year-old Sophie Foster has a secret. She is a Telepath, and has the power to hear the thoughts of everyone around her – something that she's never spoken about, even to her own family.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 6374

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.